Monday, June 3, 2013

The Effects of Alcohol on Oxygen Consumption in Acheta domesticus.

The Bug Dude presents The Skeptical Entomologist 

The Effects of Alcohol on 

Oxygen Consumption of Acheta domesticus 

                Chemical processes are the basis by which all life on earth functions. The set of all chemical reactions which take place inside of an organism is known as metabolism. Metabolism can be influenced by several factors, including diet, activity, the organism’s immediate environment, and exposure to chemicals. To test the effects of alcohol consumption, this experiment was designed to look at the effects of alcohol on the nymphs of Acheta domesticus, better known as the European house cricket. One group was used as a “sober” control, while two were exposed to alcohol. Crickets from the three different groups were placed in microrespirometers, which were then placed inside tepid water baths; a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) was used to determine the rate of respiration from the crickets. Experimental results suggest that exposure to alcohol does affect metabolic and respiratory rate of A. domesticus.

Chemical reactions are essential for life to exist. Metabolism is the collective term for the chemical changes which occur inside an organism’s cells. It can be broken down into two distinct processes: catabolic (deconstruction) reactions and anabolic (construction) reactions. Catabolic reactions, in which complex sugars, proteins, and lipids are broken down, are often associated and completed with the use of enzymes. The overall metabolism of an organism is largely dependent on the nutrients available; on the chemicals which are found in its immediate vicinity; and on whether the organism produces and maintains a constant temperature.
Many different organisms could be used to scientifically investigate the complex relationships which affect an organism’s metabolism. One of the easiest organisms is the European house cricket, Acheta domesticus, which is hardy and easy to breed in captivity. Due to its hardiness and ease of care, A. domesticus is largely captive bred for uses in science, as a feeder animal in the pet trade, and, increasingly, for use in the culinary arts. As European house crickets are ectothermic invertebrates, their metabolism is highly influenced by their immediate environment. Crickets raised at lower ambient temperatures have been observed to require longer intervals in which to reach adulthood when compared to crickets raised even a few degrees higher; A. domesticus also used more energy in its metabolism (Booth, Kiddel, 2007). Especially relevant to this experiment is the method by which insects take in atmospheric oxygen; while many other animals have a respiratory system which includes lungs, insects such as A. domesticus lack such complex structure. Oxygen is taken in through holes on the sides of their bodies known as spiracles; these openings lead to an inner system of trachea and tracheoles, through which gas exchange occurs. Also of relevance to this experiment is the circulatory system of insects: such animals have an open circulatory system, in blood sinuses play the role of the cappilaries found in closed circulatory systems. Also of interest, the “blood” of arthropods is not actually blood, but rather an analogous substance known as “hemolymph”, in which hemocyanin acts as a proxy for hemoglobin.  
In this experiment, the focus was the effect of alcohol on the metabolism and respiration on A. domesticus. Alcohol is a complex organic molecule (such as C6H10O5), which produces various effects when consumed; effects range from impaired mental abilities to increased blood pressure, and induces higher degrees of detrimental until eventually causing death if sufficiently high quantities are consumed. The effects of alcohol consumption on cricket nymphs was measured with a device known as a microrespirometer, a simple device, easily constructed for an impromptu experiment, which measures the volume of gas inside. (Lee Jr., 1995)  A microrespirometer is constructed of weights, a syringe, a micropipette, and is relatively simple to make.  While this device can be used to determine the rate of metabolism, the resultant figures may vary significantly, and add an amount of error to the experiment. (Van Voorhies., 2008) The experimental null hypothesis was that there would be no alterations on the respiration and metabolic rates of A. domesticus. The alternative hypothesis was that A. domesticus, when exposed to alcohol, would exhibit altered rates of respiration as well as metabolism.

To study the effects of alcohol on the respiration and metabolism of Acheta domesticus, three separate microrespirometers were constructed out of a syringe, a micropipette tube, and three metal washers (to ensure stability while immersed in the water bath). Prior to construction, each syringe was checked to ensure proper seals. Using a hot glue gun, nine metal washers were glued together in groups of three. Once the glue had been allowed to set, each group of three was then glued onto the bottom of a syringe plunger. Then, three micropipette tubes were glued into the tips of the three syringes, once again via a hot glue gun. Once the seals had sufficiently dried, the parts were assembled. The three microrespirometers were ready to be used, and each one was weighed.
Six Acheta domesticus nymphs were then obtained, of which three were immediately distributed into one of the three microrespirometers; the new weight (cricket plus apparatus) was recorded. The remaining three individuals were placed in a plastic container in which cotton swabs bathed in alcohol had been placed, thus ensuring the animals would be exposed to the alcohol without drowning. The microrespirometers were then placed in baths of tepid water, resting on the three washers. Each cricket was allotted five minutes to acclimate to the air/water temperature differential. Upon the conclusion of the acclimation period, a drop of potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution was added to the tip of the micropipette tube, after which the three A. domesticus underwent observation for 20 minutes. The respiration rate was determined through the movement of the KOH solution down the micropipette tube; as the animal consumed more atmospheric oxygen, the KOH solution was pulled down the tube a proportional amount. The height of the KOH solution was recorded every five minutes (0; 5; 10; 15; 20 minutes) throughout the trial, and the behavior of the A. domesticus was noted as well.
Once the control/sober trial had reached completion, the micropipette tubes were properly disposed of, and replaced with fresh ones; the simple machines were then weighed, as were the original microrespirometers. The sober crickets were then fed to captive Pacific chorus frogs (Pseudacris regilla). Then, the three experimental A. domesticus, which had become “intoxicated” via breathing the alcohol fumes (which had evaporated off the cotton swabs), were obtained and placed in the fresh microrespirometers. The cricket/microrespirometer combination was weighed, and the weight of the cricket determined. The refreshed microrespirometers were then placed, plunger down, in the tepid water bath, and, once again, the nymphs were allotted five minutes to acclimate to the ambient temperature of the water. Once acclimated, one drop of KOH solution was added to each micropipette tube, and, as in the control/sober trial, the nymphs were observed for a duration of twenty minutes. Again, the height of the KOH solution was noted every five minutes.
Once the experimental trial had been completed, the intoxicated A. domesticus were humanely dealt with. The raw data was compiled and calculated: the volume of the capillary tube was divided by the length of the capillary tube (units: µl/mm); the resultant value was then multiplied by the absolute value of the height differential (final minus initial, in mm). The resultant value is then divided by the mass of the cricket, and, finally, that value is divided by the time of the trial run (in hours; 20 minutes = 1/3 hours). These calculations were carried out for each microrespirometer in each trial. Once completed, they resulting values were averaged, and the trials were compared to each other. The experiment was over.

Once the data had been calculated, the results were compared. The experiment yielded results which would be highly unlikely if the null hypothesis were true. The intoxicated A. domesticus nymphs exhibited an immensely higher level of oxygen consumption than sober nymphs. Intoxicated individuals were calculated as consuming oxygen at a rate of 29.19 µl/(g*h), whereas the control trial averaged a rate of 12.60 µl/(g*h). Exposure to high levels of concentrated alcohol seemingly caused an increase of over twice the normal oxygen consumption; as oxygen consumption can be used to determine metabolic rates of minute arthropods, it can be reasonably stated that the alcohol affects metabolic process of A. domesticus, at least while the animals are nymphs.

                The experiment successfully rejected the null hypothesis. The results make it readily apparent that exposure to alcohol at sufficiently high levels have an apparent effect on oxygen consumption and, by tentative association, metabolic rates of A. domesticus nymphs. While the direct effect on nymph metabolic processes cannot be directly determined from so simple and impromptu an experiment, it does provide enough information to warrant further study. Exposure to alcohol certainly increases respiration rate.
                New Mexico State University scientist have  concluded the measurements taken by such simple instruments to be insufficient in accounting for all of the complexities which are present in the metabolic processes of an animal, even as small as a cricket. As such, it is important to remember that no direct claims regarding the metabolic processes of A. domesticus can be rejected (or fail to be rejected) from this experiment; this experiment only serves to examine whether or not alcohol affects the rate of oxygen consumption in such animals. As the results deviated highly from what would be expected until a normal distribution, it would not be unreasonable to assert that alcohol consumption does indeed produce observable results on Acheta domesticus. The experiment does leave behind several unanswered questions: did exposure to alcohol induce such effects only because the animals were nymphs, or would adult A. domesticus exhibit the same behaviors? Was the rate of respiration due exclusively to the exposure of alcohol, or was it a combination of “drunkenness” and exposure to the lower temperature of the water bath? Were the results influenced by the stress and mild trauma of the experimental processes, such as being caught, being dropped into a syringe, and so on? Were the respiratory rates directly correlated to the metabolic processes of the animals, or is it simply an indicator which may be used as a rule of thumb, without directly attesting to the unseen chemical processes proceeding within a living cricket? Such questions can only be determined through more experimentation, using more sensitive technologies, using different populations of Acheta domesticus.
                Also worth noting is the physical behavior of the intoxicated crickets; those exposed to alcohol seemed more inclined to behave sluggishly than their sober counterparts (conversely, one or two drunk individuals were severely hyperactive when compared to sober animals). This could also be attributed to the consumption of high concentrations of alcohol fumes; such high levels of a poisonous gas could have very likely interfered with normal functioning of the central nervous system. While it is possible to receive such an assortment of individuals exhibiting these behaviors from a normal population distribution, the probability of doing so is so small that it is more likely the observed behaviors were alcohol induced, and not the result of genetic predisposition or temperament.


Booth, DT; Kiddell, K. "Temperature and the energetics of development in the house cricket     

            (Acheta domesticus)." J Insect Physiol. 2007 Sep;53(9):950-3. Epub 2007 Mar 30.                 (

Lee, Jr. Richard A. "Using microrespirometers to measure O2 consumption by insects & small      invertebrates" The American Biology Teacher. Vol. 57, No. 5 (May, 1995), pp.284-285

Van Voorhies, Wayne A.; Melvin, Richard G.; O. Ballard, J. William; Williams, Joseph B.          
                  "Validation of manometric microrespirometers for measuring oxygen     consumption in small   arthropods". Journal of Insect Physiology Volume 54, Issue 7,     July 2008, Pages 1132-1137, ISSN 0022-1910, 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2008.04.022.